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For POST operations, parameters are passed as a JSON object in the request body.

Generate a signed URL

POST /embed/sso/generate-url

Returns a signed URL for an embedded piece of content.

  • The endpoint does not expect a signature param
  • The endpoint requires a secret param (the one in your admin > embed panel)
  • The nonce param is optional. If not included, we'll generate one for you

Example POST body:

contentPath: '/dashboards/12345678',
externalId: '12345678',
name: 'foo',
secret: '12345678901234567890123456789012',
userAttributes: '%7B%22shop_id%22%3A%22123%22%7D',


  • contentPath (string) - The URL location of the dashboard within your Omni environment.
  • externalID (number) - An external id to reference the external user. This should be unique for your external definition of user.
  • name (string) - Human readable name for the user
  • secret (string) - Generated within Omni in your Admin Panel (Admin > Embed)
  • userAttributes (string) - JSON serialized, key-value pairs matching defined user attributes in your system.