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User Management (SCIM)

Omni's user management API follows the SCIM 2.0 standard. For POST and PUT operations, parameters are passed as a JSON object in the request body.

List all users

GET /scim/v2/Users

Returns a list of your users, sorted by creation time.


  • filter (string) (optional) - A filter of the format userName eq "bob".
  • count (number) (optional) - The number of users to return (default: 100)
  • startIndex (number) (optional) - An integer index that determines the starting point of the sorted result list.

Create a user

POST /scim/v2/Users


  • displayName (string) - The user's name, to be displayed in the application.
  • userName (string) - The user's email address.
  • urn:omni:params:1.0:UserAttribute (object) (optional) - An object defining the user's User Attributes as key/value pairs, where the keys map to the IDs of user attributes defined in Omni.

Retrieve a user

GET /scim/v2/Users/:id

Retrieves a user object like this:

"active": true,
"displayName": "Tom Smith",
"emails": [{ "primary": true, "value": "" }],
"groups": [],
"id": "2208b2c2-ecc8-42ef-a576-caab9c1c58a7",
"meta": {
"created": "2024-05-15T09:21:23Z",
"lastModified": "2024-05-15T09:21:23Z",
"resourceType": "User"
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],
"userName": "",
"urn:omni:params:1.0:UserAttribute": {
"user_attribute_name": "user_attribute_value"



Update a user

PUT /scim/v2/Users/:id

Updates the specified user by setting the values of the parameters provided, and leaving all other properties of the user unchanged.


  • displayName (string) (optional) - The user's name, to be displayed in the application.
  • userName (string) - The user's email address. It must match the user's existing email address, cannot be changed.
  • urn:omni:params:1.0:UserAttribute (object) (optional) - An object defining the user's User Attributes as key/value pairs, where the keys map to the IDs of user attributes defined in Omni.

List groups

GET /scim/v2/Groups

Returns a list of your groups, sorted by creation time.


  • count (number) (optional) - The number of users to return (default: 100)
  • startIndex (number) (optional) - An integer index that determines the starting point of the sorted result list.

Retrieve a group

GET /scim/v2/Groups/:id

Retrieves a group object like this:

"displayName": "Marketing Department",
"id": "aMX8F2Jj",
"members": [{ "display": "", "value": "2208b2c2-ecc8-42ef-a576-caab9c1c58a7" }],
"meta": {
"created": "2024-05-15T09:21:23Z",
"lastModified": "2024-05-15T09:21:23Z",
"resourceType": "Group"
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],

Create a group

POST /scim/v2/Groups


  • displayName (string) - The groups's name.
  • members (array) (optional) - A list of users to add to the group, each specified as an object like: { "value": "user-id" }

Update a group

PUT /scim/v2/Groups/:id

Updates the specified group by setting the values of the parameters provided, and leaving all other properties of the group unchanged.


  • displayName (string) - The groups's name.
  • members (array) (optional) - A list of users to add to the group, each specified as an object like: { "display": "", "value": "user-id" }