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Create a Dashboard

Workbooks can be presented as dashboards, displaying many queries at once with interactive filters. To build a dashboard, select the + Dashboard button in the upper right corner of the workbook page. Each workbook query will be tiled onto a unified piece of content:

Edit a Dashboard

  1. Toggle view mode to edit mode in the top right corner of the dashboard or by going to the Edit menu tab and choosing Edit Dashboard

    Changes are saved automatically while in edit mode.

  2. Tiles can be rearranged by dragging them into the desired placement
  3. Rename a dashboard from the dashboard's file menu by selecting Rename.

Edit a dashboard tile

  1. Click on the vertical three-dot menu that pops up in the top right corner of a tile when you hover over the tile.
  2. Choose the View in workbook option
  3. Once in the workbook view of the dashboard, edit the tile by modifying the query or the visualization options.
  4. To save, navigate to the workbook file menu and click Save or on the keyboard, click control (or command) + S.


Add Filters

Add a filter to the dashboard, go into edit mode and select Add Filter. Choose the field you want to filter on. If you want to set a default value for the filter, you need to configure the values in the left pane during edit mode (note that filters done in the page in edit mode will not change the default filter expereince). This value will be pre-loaded anytime the Dashboard is opened. Filters can be disconnected from specific dashboard tiles by clicking the blue filter button in the top right corner of a tile.


Filters will not automatically apply to custom-written SQL queries. Learn more about dynamic filtering in SQL.

Hide Filters

Users can hide filters on a dashboard. The value will still be applied in the background to whichever tiles the filter is applied to. The value of the filter can also be manipulated via the dashboard's URL, but ultimately the control is hidden from the user.


Hiding dashboard filters may seem like a quick fix for restricting user access to sensitive data, but it's not a foolproof security measure. Instead, we strongly advise implementing access filters as a more robust solution. These filters provide a structured approach to control data access, preventing users from altering filters to access unauthorized information.

Map Filters to Different Fields Per Dashboard Tile

Filters can optionally be mapped to different fields on each tile. A common example is when you have a dashboard date filter, but want it to update a different date field on each tile (e.g. the users tile uses user_created_at and the orders tile uses orders_created_at). To configure, select the 'customize the field for update each connected tile' option in the edit panel. Then on the top right of each tile, select the field you want to map the filter to.

Mobile Layout

Omni auto creates a stacked-layout when the screen size shrinks horizontally (often most obvious on mobile devices). This layout can be edited/re-arranged independently from the standard tiled layout, and will not impact the standard unstacked layout. To do so, shrink the window of the dashboard on the web until you see the stacked layout, and make layout edits in the order you'd like.


To add a control to the dashboard, go into edit mode and select Add Control. Controls allow you to swap out one field for another within a tile on a dashboard. To use a control, simply add it to the dashboard and select which tiles you want it to apply to by selecting the top right corner to enable or disable a control for that tile. The underlying field being controlled must be a part of that tile to have a swapping impact (e.g. adding a metric swapper between order volume and total sales to a tile that is showing user count will have no impact). There are three main types of controls:

  • Time
  • Dimension
  • Measure

Time Controls

These controls will allow you to swap the timeframe within the underlying query. This provides an easy UI based mechanism to swap from daily to weekly to monthly and back again, all without any underlying work needing to be done to facilitate it from an administrative perspective. From the control edit menu, you can also choose what timeframe parts are offered within the filter.

Dimension Controls

These controls will allow you to swap the dimension within the underlying query. This will let you swap from things like country to state to city. From the control edit menu, you can select what dimensions are available within the swapper. Formatting and other metadata for a given dimension will carry over when selected by the control as well.

Measure Controls

These controls will allow you to swap the measure within the underlying query. This will let you swap from things like total sales to order volume to user count. From the control edit menu, you can select what measures are available within the swapper. Formatting and other metadata for a given measure will carry over when selected by the control as well.

Markdown (Text) Tiles

To add text to the dashboard, go into edit mode and select Add Text. Text tiles support markdown so you can add styling, images, links, and more. See a markdown syntax reference here.

Excluding Workbook Tabs

You may have queries in the workbook that aren't intended for dashboard consumption (intermiedtae query-views or debug queries, for example). To exclude queries from the dashboard, simple uncheck the corresponding workbook tab from edit mode on the dashboard:


Dashboard Auto-refresh

Discover the customizable settings of your dashboard by clicking on 'Edit' within the dashboard menu, then selecting 'Settings'. Here, users have the power to fine-tune the auto-refresh frequency to suit their needs. This functionality proves invaluable for dynamic data environments, such as medical or financial sectors, where real-time updates are essential. Conversely, for more static data, users can extend the auto-refresh timeframe, opting to rely on cached data rather than reloading from the database as refrequently, thus optimizing resource utilization.