Series Configuration
Each series / field offers configuration in addition to the axis configuration. In this area the data itself can be controlled (vs the axis or facet like color). To configure the x-axis or y-axis generally follow the corresponding settings.
To access the configuration menu, click the caret to the left of the X
in either an X-axis or Y-axis field in the Chart Options:

X-Axis Series Configuration

The X-Axis configuration offers controls for the label (which mirrors the x-axis label controls). Additional configuration is available for formatting of values (number, percentage, currency, and integer) as well as number of decimals. By default series will mirror formatting in the data table (auto).
Y-Axis Series Configuration

The y-axis configuration will mirror the x-axis configuration with additional controls for labeling data points and trendlines.
Visualization Data Labels

The Labels tab contains configuration options for data labels, which display as values above each point in the graph.
To make the labels more dense, check the Show all labels box.
By default, points are labeled with the series in use, but can also reference other fields (ie. labeling an measure-measure XY scatterplot with data labels for the dimension).
Position will move the label vis-a-vis the data point (by default overlaid).
Trendlines / Moving average / Regression lines

The Analytics tab contains configuration options for adding moving averages to charts or regression lines. Note: Displaying the regression formula or r-squared isn't currently supported.
For moving averages, the trend line will mirror the order in the table when toggling between center and lagging, so for desired behavior the table may need to be resorted.
For more custom trendlines and moving averages, it's recommended to build calculations in the data table.