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Create Snowflake User

  • Login to Snowflake
  • Create a new Worksheet
  • Enter, fill in and run following commands to create a new user: omni_user and role: omni_role with permission to query.
create role if not exists omni_role;
create user if not exists omni_user
password = '<YOUR_PASSWORD>';
grant role omni_role to user omni_user;
alter user omni_user
set default_role = omni_role
default_warehouse = '<warehouse>';

-- grant read only database access (repeat for all database/schemas)
grant usage, monitor on database <database> to role omni_role;
grant usage, monitor on schema <database>.<schema> to role omni_role;
grant usage, monitor on warehouse <warehouse> to role omni_role;

-- alternatively can grant read only database access across all schemas
grant usage, monitor on database <database> to role omni_role;
grant usage, monitor on ALL SCHEMAS IN DATABASE <database> to role omni_role;
grant usage, monitor on FUTURE SCHEMAS IN DATABASE <database> to role omni_role;
grant usage, monitor on warehouse <warehouse> to role omni_role;

-- grant access to all tables in the schema to omni_role
grant select on all tables in schema <database>.<schema> to role omni_role;
grant select on future tables in schema <database>.<schema> to role omni_role;

-- grant access to all views in the schema to omni_role
grant select on all views in schema <database>.<schema> to role omni_role;
grant select on future views in schema <database>.<schema> to role omni_role;

-- grant ownership of omni_role to omni_user
grant role omni_role to user omni_user;

Create Snowflake Connection

Navigate to Settings > Connections select Add Connection Connection

Finding your Account Identifier

In Snowflake, your account identifier is your account locator, qualified by platform and region if your Snowflake is not hosted on AWS in US West (Oregon) (i.e. may be account_name or More information in the snowflake docs can be found here.

To find your locator, region, and platform, click on your user in the bottom left of the snowflake console and hover over account.


Snowflake connection parameters can be case sensitive, and are often capitalized. If you see errors on connection, confirm your connection parameters match your Snowflake environment exactly.

  • Account: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> (see instructions above)
  • Username: omni_user (if you created a user above)
  • Password: <YOUR_PASSWORD>
  • Warehouse: <YOUR_WAREHOUSE>
  • Default Schema: <YOUR_SCHEMA>

Use Keypair Authentication

Keypair authentication is recommended for service accounts like the one Omni uses. To set it up, you'll create a keypair in Omni, and then assign the public key from the keypair to your Omni user in Snowflake by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the Connections section of the Omni settings page, and select your Snowflake connection.
  • Generate a new keypair in Omni by selecting the Keypairs tab and pressing the Generate key-pair button
  • Copy the public key
  • Run the following statement in Snowflake:
alter user omni_user set RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='<COPIED PUBLIC KEY>';
  • Return to the keypair configuration page in Omni and enable the keypair.
  • Confirm this user isn't used by any other Omni connections or connections outside of Omni, and then remove the user's password:
alter user omni_user unset password;
  • Note: every Omni connection must use a different keypair. We recommend using a different Snowflake user for each connection, but these users can use the same Snowflake role to simplify permissions administration.

What's next?

Now that Snowflake is set up, you can: