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Keyboard Shortcuts

A compiled list of shortcuts throughout the app.

Workbook Shortcuts

New workbook taboption + Talt + T
Save workbookcommand + Scontrol + S
Edit workbook (transition from View)command + Econtrol + E
Toggle between results table / chartoption + 1alt + 1
Toggle filters open / closedoption + 2alt + 2
Toggle SQL block open / closedoption + 3alt + 3
Toggle field picker open / closedoption + 4alt + 4
Toggle options config open / closedoption + 5alt + 5
Toggle inspector panel open / closedoption + 9alt + 9
Toggle chart to full screen modeoption + .alt + .
Run querycommand + Returncontrol + Enter
Run query w/o cacheshift + command + Returnshift + control + Enter
Clear querycommand + Kcontrol + K
Clear field from queryshift + command + Kshift + control + K
Clear filters from queryoption + command + Kalt + control + K
Duplicate tabcommand + Dcontrol + D

Model Shortcuts

Save filecommand + Scommand + S
Find / searchoption + command + Falt + control + F
Toggle file list open / closedoption + 1alt + 1
Toggle model validation list open / closedoption + 9alt + 9