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User group APIs

The user group APIs allow you to manage user groups in your Omni instance, including individual memberships. These APIs follow the SCIM 2.0 standard.

Create a group

Creates a user group.

POST /scim/v2/groups
curl '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
--data '{
"displayName": "Blob Sales",
"members": [
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"


displayNamestringThe name of the group. For example, Blob Sales
membersarray of objectsA list of objects that defines the group's list of members. Each member should be specified as an object. For example: {"value": "USER-ID"}


Returns a user group object and a list of members, if provided.

201 Created
"displayName": "Blob Sales",
"id": "mEhXj6ZI",
"meta": {
"created": "2024-12-04T00:08:03.250Z",
"lastModified": "2024-12-04T00:08:03.250Z",
"resourceType": "Group"
"schemas": [
"members": [
"display": "",
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"

Update a group

Updates the specified user group by setting the values of the parameters provided and leaving all other properties unchanged.

PUT /scim/v2/groups/:id
curl '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
"displayName": "Blob SEs",
"members": [
"display": "",
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"


idURL parameterThe ID of the group to be updated.
displayNamestringThe name of the group. For example, Blob Sales
membersarray of objectsA list of users that defines (and will override) the group, each specified as an object like: { "display": "", "value": "USER-ID" } . Note: The user's display name won't be updated.


Returns the updated user group object associated with the provided user group ID.

200 OK
"displayName": "Blob SEs",
"id": "mEhXj6ZI",
"meta": {
"created": "2024-12-04T00:08:03.250Z",
"lastModified": "2024-12-04T00:20:47.346Z",
"resourceType": "Group"
"schemas": [
"members": [
"display": "",
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"

List groups

Retrieves a list of user groups, sorted by creation time.

GET /scim/v2/groups
curl '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'


countintegerThe number of groups to return. Defaults to 100.
startIndexintegerAn integer index that determines the starting point of the sorted result list. Defaults to 1.


Returns a list of group objects, each of which represents a user group.

200 OK
"Resources": [
"displayName": "Blob Sales",
"id": "mEhXj6ZI",
"meta": {
"created": "2024-08-29T20:33:36.626Z",
"lastModified": "2024-08-29T20:33:36.626Z",
"resourceType": "Group"
"schemas": [
"members": [
"display": "",
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"
"itemsPerPage": 1,
"schemas": [
"startIndex": 1,
"totalResults": 1

Retrieve a group

Retrieves a user group using its unique ID.

GET /scim/v2/groups/:id
curl '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'


idURL parameterThe ID of the group to be retrieved.


Returns the user group object associated with the provided user group ID.

200 OK
"displayName": "Blob Sales",
"id": "mEhXj6ZI",
"meta": {
"created": "2024-08-29T20:33:36.626Z",
"lastModified": "2024-08-29T20:33:36.626Z",
"resourceType": "Group"
"schemas": [
"members": [
"display": "",
"value": "9e8719d9-276a-4964-9395-a493189a247c"

Delete a group

Deletes the specified user group.

GET /scim/v2/groups/:id
curl DELETE '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'


idURL parameterThe ID of the group to be deleted.


Successful requests will return a 204 No Content status. No response body is expected.