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Schedule APIs

These APIs are in beta

The schedule APIs are in beta and may have future breaking changes.

The schedule APIs allow you to manage and interact with schedules within your Omni organization.

Trigger schedule

Triggers the execution of a schedule on demand, outside of its regular schedule.

POST /api/unstable/schedules/:scheduleId/trigger
curl -X POST '' \
--H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'


Note: The scheduleId must be provided as a path parameter.

scheduleIdstringYes -

The ID of the schedule to trigger. To find a schedule's ID:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard of a document.
  2. Click File > Deliveries & Alerts.
  3. Next to a schedule, click Edit.

The schedule's ID is in the page's URL, after /schedules/. For example:


200 OK

Successful requests will return a 200 OK status and a response body similar to the following:

"success": true
successbooleanIndicates schedule has been triggered successfully
400 Bad Request
"detail": "<errorReason>",
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
"status": 400
IssueError detail
Invalid UUID formatBad Request: scheduleId: Invalid uuid
Invalid methodInvalid method
404 Not Found
"detail": "<errorReason>",
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
"status": 404
IssueError detail
Schedule not foundScheduled task with id {scheduleId} does not exist
429 Too Many Requests

Results from too many requests in a given time frame. Refer to the Rate limiting documentation for more information.

500 Internal Server Error
"detail": "<errorReason>",
"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],
"status": 500
IssueError detail
Dispatcher errorVarious error messages related to dispatch failures