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Connecting MotherDuck to Omni

In this guide, you'll learn how to connect your MotherDuck database to Omni.


To follow the steps in this guide, you'll need:

  • Organization Admin permissions in Omni
  • To be using MotherDuck 0.10.2 or higher. Refer to MotherDuck's documentation for more information.

Step 1: Create a MotherDuck access token

  1. Sign in to your MotherDuck account.

  2. In top left corner of the page, click the organization name and then Settings.

  3. Click Integrations > Access Tokens.

  4. Click + Create token.

  5. Enter a Name for the token to make it easy to recognize. For example: Omni connection

  6. For Token type, select Read/Write token.

  7. Optional. Define expiration settings for the token.

  8. Click Create token.

  9. Copy the token. Note: The token will only display once, so make sure you copy it before closing the dialog.

Step 2: Set up a table upload schema


This step is optional, but Omni recommends completing it as part of the initial connection setup.

In this step, create a dedicated schema to use for table uploads. This can be in its own database or the same database as other schemas to be used in modeling.

Note: The upload schema can't be used for other modeled tables.

Step 3: Create the connection in Omni

  1. In Omni, click Settings > Connections.

  2. Click Add connection.

  3. Click MotherDuck.

  1. Fill in the fields as follows:

    • Display name - Required. Enter a name for the connection, which will display in the connections list in Omni.

    • Database - Required. Enter the name of the database Omni should connect to.

      You can copy the name of the database in MotherDuck by clicking the three dots next to the database, then Copy name:

    • Include other catalogs - To include multiple databases, enter the names of the databases as a comma-separated list. For example, database_2, database_3

    • Include schemas - To only include specific schemas, enter the names of the schemas as a comma-separated list. Leaving this field blank will allow Omni to access all schemas in the database.

      Note: If you specified databases in the Include other catalogs field, reference the databases and schemas using dot notation. For example: other_database.schema

    • Token - Required. Paste the token you created in Step 1.

    • Schema for Table Uploads - Enter the name of the where table uploads will be stored. If left blank, you'll still be able to upload tables but they won't be pushed to the database.

  2. When finished, click Create connection.

What's next?

Now that MotherDuck is set up, you can: