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Navigating content

The sidebar that displays on the left side of Omni makes it easy for you to find and navigate content in your instance.


The Home page displays frequently viewed documents, dashboards, and workbooks for your organization.

Did you know?

Instance Admins can curate the content that displays on the Home page by using labels.


The Personal section of the sidebar contains:

  • Favorites - The dashboards, workbooks, and folders you've added to your favorites. To add a favorite, click the star icon on the content itself or in any of the content lists in Omni.
  • My Documents - The documents and folders you've created in Omni. To make this content available to other users, you'll need to share it with them.


The Shared section of the sidebar contains:

  • Hub - The content that has been shared with the entire organization.
  • Shared with me - The content that has been directly shared with you.

Other pages

Below the Shared section of the sidebar, you'll see a few more pages:

  • All - All of the content you have permission to access, including folders.

  • My Activity - Details about your activity within your Omni instance.

  • Trash - All of the discarded content for your Omni instance. Items in the trash are never discarded.

    To restore content, click the restore arrow (highlighted in the following image) next to the content you want to restore: